Tibetan Master Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche
So much of what i offer as wisdom-methods for integration in daily life is thanks to Tibetan Master Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche.
His wisdom, compassion and deep teachings about the nature of mind, of how body-breath-heart-mind work together in an optimal way is of immeasurable value of how i lead my life and what i share with you.
This to me is the path with a Heart.
A master introduces you to your inner master, your inner guidance. This is why the gratitude is beyond words, in the depth of your essence.
It is with great warmness and respect that I hereby introduce him to you. Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche: https://tulkulobsang.org/en/tulku-lobsang/biography
Other teachers i am immensely grateful to are the Dalai Lama, Mooji (and his teachers), Kyapgon Ngawang Tenzin Rinpoche, sensei Kawada, Sakya Trichen, Khandro-la, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Alejandro Chaoul, José Antonio Machado and of course many more amazing beings.
Essentially everything is Dharma and we continuously look in a mirror, sometimes aware sometimes ignorant, and we can use experiences to come home in awareness, inner warmness & power.
Always be thankful for your inner guidance!